Friday, May 27, 2016

Summer Life

Apricots, not Grapes! The whole tree!

It seems impossible that yet another year has passed.  Summers and Christmas seem to be the markers of years passing that I pay attention to.  It seems to me that with both, even though I know they are coming, they spring on me as if they had dropped out of an unseen airplane and suddenly landed next to me.

I always look forward to summer.  The fruit is on and it seems most of the pleasant memory makers are too.  I’m glad to see another summer, even though it also reminds me that I am probably coming to the end of the summer in my life.  Summers remind me that life goes on.  It also reminds me, that most of life is warm and inviting.  No matter how long winter seems to last, summer eventually comes and life seems wonderful.

I hope your summer is great.  Well, it’s time to get back to my fruit.  My apricots are one I that truly enjoy, and you would not believe how many I have already eaten.  Between the dog and I, we must have already eaten more than all the other apricots we have gotten from that tree in all the years past combined.  I think the dog has slowed down a bit, but I’m still eating all I can.

I love it. 

Until next time, Jene.

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